At Green Wing Inc, we're not just a tutoring business; we're a catalyst for transformation. We strive to be a world-class organization and are fully invested in the success of our students, tutors, and employees. We provide in-home, one-on-one tutoring for students of all ages and all subjects. By joining the our tutor roster, you will work with a dynamic team to influence the lives of hundreds of students and families! We are looking for a candidate with a solid understanding in the field of education and a passion for transforming students so that they can reach their full potential. Our ideal candidate is an experienced tutor and/or teacher who must be able to adapt to different learning styles. We want our tutors to have the integrity and knowledge to push students to excel beyond expectations. Our best tutors should enjoy motivating and inspiring students to be the best that they can be! Job Overview: High School Tutor -- Part-Time
...Our Employees: ~ Are actively working on next-generation technology projects with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, CDC,and a wide array of Federal, State, and Local agencies throughout the United States ~ Are eligible for wide-ranging benefits and perks...
...As a Manager Creative Partnerships Development (Sports) you will be responsible for working with key NBC Sports stakeholders to market... ...Universal including One Platform Marketing Client Partnerships Agency Partnership and Sales to ensure successful and quality execution...
...We are currently accepting applications for the position of INSTRUCTOR PILOT. IMPORTANT Applicants for employment are subject to Government approval and the terms of a 12-month Employment Training Agreement. Applicants selected for hire will be required to pass and...
...Title: Vice President, Communications - Investment Banking Location: New York, NY About the Executive Office The Executive Office plays an integral role in setting and advancing Goldman Sachs's corporate strategy, and in preserving... part of the National Archives and Records Administration. Office of Presidential Libraries, Franklin D Roosevelt Library. As a Museum Technician you will be ensuring that the proper procedures are followed with regard to the care, registration, documentation and exhibit...